5 Ways to Bring “Life” Back Into Work-Life Balance

For most of us, work is an essential part of life. It’s how we pay the bills and pursue our career and growth ambitions. But what if work begins to take over the other areas of life, too? While 95 percent of surveyed professionals want to work for organizations that respect the boundaries between time on and off the clock, it’s common for employees to have no work-life balance at all. Fortunately, these strategies can help you maintain an enriching work identity while ensuring you get the restorative downtime your body and mind need. 

1. Take Breaks to Move Your Body

Staring at a computer screen all day can be exhausting. Humans need to move our bodies rather than sit for hours at a time. So, infuse personal time and stress relief into the workday with active breaks to stretch and stimulate blood flow. Exercise reduces stress, manages anxiety, and stabilizes the mood. Look for opportunities to sneak in some cardio exercise between Zoom meetings or work projects. At Endeavor Coworking, our members can access a full-service onsite fitness anytime throughout their workdays. You can get in anything from a full workout to simply walking on a treadmill for a while.

2. Strengthen Your Social Connections 

When you feel overwhelmed at work, you might isolate yourself from relationships. At Endeavor, we offer many solutions to address this challenge. Our coworking spaces connect members and one-time visitors alike with other friendly and welcoming professionals from all over. 

While the primary function of a coworking space is to focus on the job at hand, you can form personal connections here, too. Chatting with fellow professionals of all ages and experience levels  can create lasting friendships to bolster you through even the most stressful workdays. And to help make it easy, Endeavor hosts networking events, training sessions and even a food-related experience every month to help everyone casually and comfortably get to meet others who work here.

3. Separate Your Work and Home Spaces

If you work from home, it’s common for job-related activities to bleed into your personal routine. This ambiguity can make it feel like you have no work-life balance, so it’s vital to designate a separate workspace for yourself—outside the house if possible.  Endeavor’s coworking spaces are just what you need to achieve this. We offer a range of convenient, enriching amenities to make your workday more focused, productive and fulfilling. Not to mention, our spaces allow you to work offsite, so once you’re back home, you can “turn off” and relax to your heart’s content.

4. Increase Your Daytime Productivity 

It might seem counterintuitive, but increasing the amount of work you accomplish can enhance your work-life balance. The less you have to do after-hours, the more enjoyable and restful your downtime will be. Here are a few tips to boost on-the-job productivity:

  • Limit non-work phone use 
  • Minimize distractions (like social media) 
  • Time block your schedule
  • Collaborate with your coworkers 
  • Follow a comprehensive to-do list 
  • Eat balanced meals and snacks for energy
  • Prioritize adequate sleep at night 

Implementing and sticking to these accountability and productivity tools can help you do more during working hours. An Endeavor Coworking membership will also increase your focus, with coffee, healthy snacks, and a fitness center—all within easy reach.

5. Explore Your Other Interests or Hobbies 

Just because you’re passionate about your career doesn’t mean it has to dominate every aspect of your life. If you’re started to realize that you really don’t have any work-life balance, explore new interests or learning opportunities. Endeavor Coworking offers discounted,  afternoon-only “Study Hall Pass” packages, that are especially useful if you return to school to advance in your current career role or change fields. You can also make time for sports, exercise, crafts, or other hobbies outside working hours, and Greenville is known for its wide array of opportunities to participate in community activities, join a team, or attend networking or education-based events. Investing in all facets of yourself will restore the work-life balance you need to thrive. 

Feel Like You Have No Work-Life Balance?

At Endeavor Coworking, we offer a variety of top-notch amenities and professional tools to help you succeed in work and in life. These resources will help you reclaim that essential balance between an exciting career and a flourishing personal life. Contact us to learn more today!