Preparing for 2025: When Should Your Business Start Planning? (Part 2)

In our previous blog, we discussed the importance of early planning for 2025 business goals- using the summer to brainstorm and the fall to refine strategies. With the groundwork done, late fall and winter is the time to execute your business planning sessions.

How to Make the Most of Your Planning Sessions

Harness the following action steps to ensure that each planning session yields tangible results and positions your business for success in 2025:

1. Set Clear Objectives

Before you walk into the meeting space, define the goals you want to achieve. Clear objectives will create a roadmap for your discussions, so everyone remains on track and aligned. For instance, the objective might be to “identify three key growth markets for 2025” or “develop a preliminary budget for the new product launch.” Sharing these with your team ahead of time will set the tone for a focused, productive meeting.

2. Prepare in Advance

Maximize the allocated time by doing your homework in advance. Send the relevant data, reports, or other reading materials to all attendees at least 48 hours before the meeting. This will ensure that everyone comes with fresh insights or ideas to offer, leading to a more meaningful discussion overall. 

3. Encourage Participation

Our various rooms at Endeavor are curated to facilitate team conversations and exercises. Take advantage of this and work some interactive elements into your planning sessions. Use breakout groups to brainstorm, employ visual aids, and create fun opportunities for each attendee to contribute. Remember, diverse perspectives can result in more innovative strategies for 2025—and even well beyond.

4. Follow Up Effectively

The real value of a planning session will emerge in the follow-up. Before leaving the meeting space, document action items, set timelines, and assign each task. Sending a summary email to all team members immediately will boost momentum and ensure the strategies translate into concrete actions.

Building these tips into your planning sessions at Endeavor’s inspiring facilities will set your business on a successful course for 2025. Our team is available to help coordinate your meeting experience for the best possible outcome. 

Planning Timeline for 2025

To recap, here’s an ideal timeline for your 2025 business planning:

  • Summer 2024: Start brainstorming sessions, trend analyses, and business reflections. Book a meeting space at Endeavor for initial leadership discussions.
  • Early Fall 2024: Conduct more focused planning sessions. Utilize our large conference rooms to host department-wide meetings.
  • Late Fall 2024: Finalize strategies and create the budgets. Consider hosting a multi-day retreat at Endeavor to iron out all the details with your team, maximizing our larger open spaces and utilizing various meeting rooms and unique smaller areas for breakouts.
  • Winter 2024-2025: Launch the communication and execution phase. Use our meeting spaces for company-wide team briefings and training sessions, with easy access to downtown dining or post-session happy hours – or bring in a caterer of your choice.

Invest in Your Future with Endeavor

The ideal meeting space is crucial for effective business planning. At Endeavor, we offer more than just a room—we create an environment for successful team collaboration. Whether you need a space for a summer brainstorming session or a fall strategy retreat, we have your solution. Don’t wait until the last minute to start planning for 2025—contact us now to find the perfect meeting space for your next planning session. Nothing beats seeing everything in person to know how you’d make the most of it.