Fight the Summer Slump: How to Supercharge Your Summer Productivity

It’s easy to lose focus on the job when the weather is beautiful and fun outdoor activities compete for your attention. Even the most diligent professional can fall victim to the summer slump—and once you do, it’s hard to regain motivation. 

You deserve some time this season to enjoy a vacation or bask in the sunshine, so now’s the time to make the most of your “productivity hours.” Follow these steps to beat the summer slump and tackle all the projects on your to-do list.

5 Tips to Combat the Summer Slump

1. Make Time to Enjoy the Summer

You can indulge in summer fun without losing productivity—but you’ll have to plan ahead. Block out time in your schedule for the seasonal activities you look forward to each year. Having these activities on your calendar will be a source of anticipation and excitement to keep you motivated on those long workdays that never seem to end.

2. Schedule Periodic Breaks

Even if you’re not able to take a vacation this summer, you can still carve out time to unplug. That could mean stepping outside for a walk on your lunch break or planning a short weekend trip to the mountains or coast. Whatever you choose to do, small periodic breaks can do wonders to refresh energy levels and banish that summer slump.

3. Avoid Seasonal Burnout

Overworking can cause productivity to crash, no matter the season. Even if you have a lot of work to accomplish, it’s not always helpful to hunker down until you’re completely finished. Forcing yourself to power through when you’re exhausted will often lead to burnout. In fact, according to a recent survey, the average U.S. worker reaches burnout by mid-summer each year. 

Fortunately, burnout is preventable—just make time for regular self-care activities and adequate daily rest. Sometimes, your job commitments will take priority, but remember to maintain a healthy and intentional work-life balance. 

4. Implement Healthy Habits

A lack of productivity in the summer isn’t just about fending off external distractions from the warm weather and fun seasonal activities. If you don’t prioritize healthy habits (such as regular exercise and optimal nutrition), your concentration will suffer.

Fortunately, summer is the perfect time of year to get active. Hiking, cycling, paddle boarding, kayaking, and swimming are just a few ways to incorporate movement into your routine. A consistent exercise regimen can also inspire you to eat a healthier diet, so take advantage of all the colorful summer fruits and vegetables.

Studies also show that restorative sleep is crucial for maintaining productivity, and exercise can help you fall asleep more easily at night. Combining these healthy habits will make those summer days on the job less monotonous and more productive.

5. Join a Coworking Space

The urge to leave your house can also contribute to a summer slump. Whether working remotely or taking a summer course, it’s hard to focus when you feel stuck indoors. But you can only allocate so much time to outdoor recreation while you have work. So, escape the confines of your home office and join a coworking space.  These distraction-free environments offer a change of scenery to refresh your mind and help you remain productive.

Discover Flexible Coworking Spaces at Endeavor 

Does a coworking space seem ideal for beating that summer slump? Then, consider investing in a day pass or half-day study hall pass at Endeavor Coworking. You’ll even have access to their on-site gym, where you can walk or run on the treadmill, or even get in a full workout. Reach out for more information on our discount bundle rates, which can help you save money and supercharge productivity— in the summer and all year long.