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Networking Endeavor Greenville

Networking 101: Endeavor’s Guide to Connections

According to a recent LinkedIn survey of almost 16,000 professionals across the globe, nearly 80 percent view networking as crucial for their career growth and success. However, despite this overwhelming consensus, 38 percent of surveyed professionals agree that staying in touch with their business networks can be difficult long-term. 

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Jow Erwin at March of Dimes Awards

Joe Erwin honored at the March of Dimes 25th annual Greenville Real Estate & Economic Development Awards

March of Dimes honors Greenville entrepreneur, creative visionary and philanthropist Joe Erwin at its 25th annual Greenville Real Estate & Economic Development Awards. This award honors an individual whose commercial real estate and economic development career and civic activities have significantly enhanced the community. The 25th anniversary luncheon took place at the Hyatt Regency, a nod to the starting line of downtown Greenville’s historic revitalization.

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Hosting a successful event

6 Tips to Host a Successful Business Event

Planning a major event can be stressful for any business owner. There are many moving parts to worry about—and the last-minute responsibilities may seem endless. Before getting too intimidated, remember that hosting an incredibly successful business conference or event is well within your grasp! 

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Endeavor Member Working in the Sandbox

Endeavor’s Guide to Working from Home

There’s no denying it: the remote model is here to stay, but not everyone can be productive at home. Some need the structure of an actual workplace to focus and tune out distractions. If you find remote work more challenging than some of your colleagues, here are a few tips to make it easier and ultimately more successful—no matter where you hustle. 

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Sarah Kay

Nike’s former head of Global Brand Innovation Sarah Kay to speak at Endeavor’s Collaborators & Cocktails on Nov. 10th

GREENVILLE, SC (October 19, 2022) – Endeavor, the coworking and office space community in downtown Greenville’s ONE tower, announces that Sarah Kay, author, former head of global brand innovation for Nike, and founder of global brand strategy consultancy, Create A Bold Future, will speak at its next Collaborators & Cocktails speaker series on November 10th from 5:00 – 7:15 p.m.

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Flight Deck Impromptu Meeting

3 Tips to Plan the Perfect Brainstorm

A brainstorm meetingg is an excellent way to promote team collaboration and stimulate the flow of original, creative ideas—if you know how to run it effectively, that is. When many leaders think about hosting a brainstorm session, their first impulse is to call everyone into the conference room (or Zoom link), present an issue that needs a solution or a strategy that could use more innovation, then hope to make some eventual progress.

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Lindsey McMillion Stemann

Why LinkedIn’s Featured Section is Worth More Than 1,000 Words

One of the most common mistakes I see on LinkedIn is when people essentially copy and paste their resumes into their profiles and call it a day. Comparing your resume to your LinkedIn profile is a little like comparing a picture to a movie. Sure there are some similarities between the two, but LinkedIn’s capabilities to communicate a more engaging, interactive story are so much greater than a resume. Used correctly, LinkedIn’s dynamic visual features can add depth, create connections, and support a clearer understanding of who you are.

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VSCO business meeting in Endeavor's conference room.

8 Essential Components of an Effective Business Proposal

You’ve done all the right things to find new clients—maybe you joined a co-working space and sponsored a networking event to market your business or hosted a presentation to impress a client. Whatever your approach, the potential client now wants to learn more, and it’s time to prepare your business proposal.

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